Character Name |
Source Language |
(Poetic Root + Suffix) or other language meaning |
Achmed | Arabic | much praised |
Adan | P-I-E | atone = AD+EN |
Adel | Persian | righteous (Persian); P-I-E atoned before EL = AD+EL |
Adib | Arabic | cultured, well-mannered |
Aga | P-I-E | dawn = AGH+A |
Agos | P-I-E | ambassador = AG+OS |
Ahmed | Arabic | highly praised or one who constantly thanks God |
Aigos | P-I-E | goat AIG+OS |
Akwar | P-I-E | island AkwA+R |
Akwayo | P-I-E | island = AKwA+YO |
Alem | Ethiopian | world |
Aloo | Indian | potato |
Ameer | Arabic | prince, treetop = AMIR -> AMEER |
Amin | Arabic | reliable messenger. Dependable. Steady. Trustworthy |
Amurra | Arabic | cute = AMURRA |
Angelos | Greek | messenger |
Angos | P-I-E | anger = ANGH+OS |
Antar | Arabic | heroic |
Aros | P-I-E | artisan = AR+OS |
Asil | Arabic | judicious |
Asnake | Ethiopian | become better than others |
Ata | Arabic | gift |
Atena | P-I-E | perceive AU + stretch TEN +A |
Atif | Arabic | compassionate, sympathetic |
Ausa | P-I-E | bright AUS +A |
Auswidur | P-I-E | east AUS wood WIDHU +R |
Aziza | Arabic | dear |
Baba | Egyptian | father |
Badawi | Arabic | bedouin, nomad |
Badzar | Mongolian | (Tibetan) thunderbolt |
Bahijah | Arabic | magnificent, splendid |
Bam | poesy | deaf man named by Menos for chest thumping |
Baraka | Egyptian | gift, blessing |
Bari | Egyptian | boat |
Barig | Mongolian | Strong & Courageous = Batzorig -> Barig |
Bashir | Arabic | bearer of good news |
Bassira | Arabic | intelligent |
Batal | Arabic | hero |
Bazar | Arabic | market |
Beidos | P-I-E | cocky, confident = BHEIDH+OS |
Bela | P-I-E | white blond hair = BHEL+A |
Belas | P-I-E | white flower = BHEL+AS |
Belgnor | P-I-E | strong BEL+ to know GNO + R |
Belmon | P-I-E | strong = BEL+ neck = MON |
Beloko | P-I-E | strong = BEL + to see OK + O |
Belos | P-I-E | thrive, bloom BHEL + OS |
Beltor | P-I-E | black BHEL + TOR |
Bera | P-I-E | brunet hair = BHER+A |
Berdeula | P-I-E | brunette beauty = BHER-DEU+LA |
Betor | P-I-E | bake = BHE + TOR |
Bhamon | P-I-E | prophet = BHA+MON |
Bheuator | P-I-E | builder = BHEUA-TOR |
Bikir | Arabic | the first born = BIKR |
Bom | poesy | deaf man named by Menos for sound of his chest-pounding |
Boulboul | Arabic | Nightingale |
Brehan | Ethiopian | light |
Bruga | P-I-E | brook = BHRUGH + A |
Bruno | P-I-E | to cut, tear = BHREU => BHRU+ NO |
Buska | P-I-E | bouquet = BUSK + A |
Capisto | P-I-E | resourceful, capable = CAP+ISTO |
Carachin | Mongolian | black wolf = Qara Chinua => Carachin |
Chatni | Hindu | chatni = meaning licking as in savoring |
Companions | Conventional | capitalized = Bruno’s companions |
Curator | P-I-E | curious = CURA+TOR |
Dagnu | Ugaritic | Ugaritic god = Dagnu |
Damen | P-I-E | demon = DA+MEN |
Dammar | Arabic | Name destructive one |
Daoud | Arabic | beloved |
Dawar | Arabic | Deep, wonderer = DAWAR |
Deiga | P-I-E | lady = DHEIGH+A |
Deiken | P-I-E | teach = DEIK+EN |
Deikos | P-I-E | judge = DEIK+OS |
Deiwos | P-I-E | shining = DYEU+OS; (convention: DEIWOS) |
Delmon | P-I-E | tall = DEL+MON |
Dereto | P-I-E | face round = DHE- RET+O |
Derla | P-I-E | tart = DER+LA |
Deros | P-I-E | trader = DER-OS |
Dertor | P-I-E | trader = DER+TOR |
Dertro | P-I-E | trade = DER+ TRO |
Deruen | P-I-E | endure > DERU+EN |
Derumon | P-I-E | little tree = DERU+MON |
Detro | P-I-E | doomed = DHE+TRO |
Deula | P-I-E | deer = DHEU+LA |
Deumo | P-I-E | dull = DHEU+MO |
Deuper | P-I-E | profit-sum = DHE-UPER |
Dewa | P-I-E | beauty = DEU => DEW-A |
Dhar | P-I-E | abandon = DHA-R |
Dheter | P-I-E | perfect = DHE+TER |
Dhreughos | P-I-E | dream = DHREUGH-OS |
Dighmon | P-I-E | dig (mine) = DHIG+MON |
Dimah | Arabic | cloud which carries rainwater |
Diya | Arabic | brightness, light |
Donos | P-I-E | betray = DON+OS |
Dregher | P-I-E | truckle = DREGH-ER |
Dregos | P-I-E | drown = DHREG+OS |
Duma | P-I-E | dove = DHEU+MA |
Dweno | P-I-E | boon = DHEU + NO |
Ekwomo | P-I-E | equestrian = EKWO+OMO |
Ekwos | P-I-E | equestrian = EKWO+ES |
Ekwotor | P-I-E | horse(man)=EKWO+TOR |
Ella | poesy | EL+A |
Elstego | P-I-E | EL protect = EL-STEG+O |
Enkitor | P-I-E | intimate = EN + violent = KIGH+TOR |
Enlil | Smerian | god Enlil |
Entor | P-I-E | inn = EN+TOR |
Eren | P-I-E | move, raise = ER-EN |
Ermon | P-I-E | move, raise = ER+MON |
Erto | P-I-E | move, raise = ER+TO |
Esos | P-I-E | proud = ES+OS |
Fahd | Arabic | leopard |
Fareedat | Arabic | precious gem |
Fareeq | Arabic | Lieutenant General = Fariq |
Farhan | Arabic | Happy |
Farid | Arabic | one of a kind = Fareed |
Farouk | Arabic | One who distinguishes truth from falsehood |
Ferar | Arabic | flight, escape |
Ferhan | Arabic | rejoicing |
Fudail | Arabic | excellent in character |
Gabo | P-I-E | gift = GHABH+O |
Gada | P-I-E | sheep = GH(A)ID-O |
Gadwat | Arabic | goodness, excellence |
Galeel | Arabic | great = GAMEEL |
Gamalla | Arabic | Arabian camel = GAMAL+ LA |
Gaumo | P-I-E | joy = GAU+MO |
Gedetro | P-I-E | good-perfect = GHEDH-DHE+TRO |
Geeto | P-I-E | scion = GEIE+TO |
Gelgemeir | P-I-E | to cut = GHEL+ to release = GHE + to fortify = MEI + R |
Genar | P-I-E | generous = GENe+R |
Genator | P-I-E | congenial = GENA+TOR |
Genda | P-I-E | prize = GHEND+A |
Gendor | P-I-E | surprise = GHEND+TOR |
Genemo | P-I-E | king = GENe+MO |
Ghostios | P-I-E | host = GHOS-TI+OS |
Gleubo | P-I-E | clever = GLEUBH+O |
Graba | P-I-E | dutiful = GRABH+A |
Grabos | P-I-E | gift = GRABH+OS |
Grekelo | P-I-E | green hill = GHRE-KEL+O |
Grendo | P-I-E | grain = GRENO |
Greno | P-I-E | grain = GRENO |
Greokas | P-I-E | green = GHRE + eyes = OK + AS |
Greoko | P-I-E | green = GHRE + eyes = OK + O |
Guastego | P-I-E | god = GHEUA + protect = STEG + O |
Guljul | Arabic | little bell |
Gwentor | P-I-E | defender = GHWEN + TOR |
Gwero | P-I-E | furnace = GWHER + O |
Habbab | Arabic | affable |
Hajib | Arabic | conceal |
Homar | Arabic | donkey |
Hugo | P-I-E | butcher = BHUGO |
Husam | Arabic | sword |
Inanna | Sumerian | goddess Inanna |
Jaromir | Slavic | peace |
Kailona | P-I-E | heal = KAILO + NA |
Kailor | P-I-E | health(y) = KAILO + R |
Kapter | P-I-E | one who grasps = KAP+TER |
Kaputen | P-I-E | captain = KAPUT + EN |
Kaputor | P-I-E | captain = KAPUT + TOR |
Kareem | Arabic | generous, noble |
Karmelito | P-I-E | hard = KAR + honey = MELIT + O |
Kasim | Arabic | divided |
Keitro | P-I-E | pain= KEI + TRO |
Kembos | P-I-E | conceit = KEMB + OS |
Kensor | P-I-E | to proclaim = KENS + OR |
Kerso | P-I-E | corral = KERS + O |
Kertor | P-I-E | cheerful = KER + TOR |
Khoury | Arabic | priest |
Kleutor | P-I-E | loud > KLEU + TOR |
Kobeno | P-I-E | happy = KOB + ENO |
kundurunsa | Arabic | name for the highest grade incense |
Kweita | P-I-E | white = KWEIT + A |
Kweto | P-I-E | rescue = KWET + O |
Kwetwero | P-I-E | fourth = KwETWER + O |
Kwetwersun | P-I-E | fourth-son = KwETWER-SUEe + EN |
Labib | Arabic | intelligent |
Lakur | P-I-E | lake, sea = LAKU + R |
Lameh | Arabic | gleaming |
Lana | Arabic | gentle, soft |
Lega | P-I-E | intelligent = LEG + A |
Lentoya | P-I-E | lithe = LENT-O + YO |
Letros | P-I-E | leather = LETRO + OS |
Leubsun | P-I-E | love(d) = LEUBH + son = SUEe + N |
Leudbella | P-I-E | little = LEUD + flower = BHEL + LA |
Leudya | P-I-E | small = LEUD + YA |
Leupo | P-I-E | lift(ed) = LEUP + O |
Leutor | P-I-E | resolute = LEU + TOR |
Lielit | Ethiopian | princess |
Lilith | Semitic | Legendary demon of the desert night |
Liol | Ethiopian | prince |
Maarouf | Arabic | well known |
Magua | P-I-E | maid = MAGHU + A |
Magula | P-I-E | maid = MAGHU + LA |
Majeed | Arabic | noble, glorious |
Mantor | P-I-E | manage = MAN + TOR |
Matera | P-I-E | matron = MATER + A |
Mehdi | Arabic | guided one |
Melda | P-I-E | to pray = MELDH + A |
Melos | P-I-E | strong, great = MEL + OS |
Menisto | P-I-E | mountain = MEN + ISTO |
Menos | P-I-E | little mountain = MEN + OS |
Mera | P-I-E | morning = MER + A |
Mertor | P-I-E | murder = MER + TOR |
Mesun | P-I-E | my-son = ME-SEUe + EN |
Mesutor | P-I-E | my son = ME-SEUe + TOR |
Mitereo | P-I-E | hope = MITTERE + O |
Mitteretor | P-I-E | compromise = MITTERE + TOR |
Muhab | Arabic | dignified |
Muheeb | Arabic | noble, respected |
Nabatar | Mongolian | sun hero |
Nabil | Arabic | intelligent |
Nan | poesy | infant’s babble |
Neras | P-I-E | north = NER + AS |
Netor | P-I-E | negotiate = NE + TOR |
Nigist | Ethiopian | queen |
Nigus | Ethiopian | king |
Nimos | P-I-E | take, seize = NIM + OS |
Ninkarrak | Mesopotamian | goddess Ninkarrak |
Numair | Arabic | panther |
Okbelo | P-I-E | eyes = OK + blue = BHEL + O |
Okdera | P-I-E | eyes = OK + dark = DHER + A |
Okgreta | P-I-E | eyes = OK + green = GHRE + TA |
Okwapo | P-I-E | eye = OK + evil = WAP + O |
Omon | P-I-E | omen = O + mon |
Optor | P-I-E | opine = OP + TOR |
Oustor | P-I-E | scout = OUS + ear = TOR |
Paglo | P-I-E | peace(maker) = PAG + LO |
Pamiu | Egyptian | old Tom cat |
Paras | P-I-E | fire = PAeWR + AS |
Patros | P-I-E | protect = PA + suffix forming noun from verb = TER + OS |
Patu | P-I-E | fur = PA + TU |
Pekas | P-I-E | make pretty PEK + AS |
Pektor | P-I-E | fight = PEK + TOR |
Pekwa | P-I-E | cook = PEKw + A |
Pekwos | P-I-E | precocious = PEKw + OS |
Peletor | P-I-E | complete = PELe + TOR |
Pera | P-I-E | beloved = PER + A |
Perago | P-I-E | first-dawn PER-AGH + O |
Peristo | P-I-E | priest = PER + ISTO |
Perla | P-I-E | princess = PER + LA |
Peros | P-I-E | priest = PER + OS |
Persna | P-I-E | pearl = PERSNA |
Persuen | P-I-E | first son = PER-SUEe + EN |
Pertro | P-I-E | oppress = PER + TRO |
Perupo | P-I-E | from above = PER + UPO |
Peryo | P-I-E | principle(d) = PER + YO |
Petos | P-I-E | impetuous = PET + OS |
Pieutor | P-I-E | journey = PIEU + TOR |
Platmo | P-I-E | plateau = PLAT + MO |
Pleutro | P-I-E | flood = PLEU + TRO |
Poas | P-I-E | beer PO(I) + AS |
Pola | P-I-E | beer PO(I) + LA |
Potista | P-I-E | power = POTI + STA |
Primos | P-I-E | friend = PRI + MOS |
Pritor | P-I-E | friend = PRI + TOR |
Pukos | P-I-E | pugnacious = PUK + OS |
Qadar | Arabic | fate, destiny |
Qismah | Arabic | fate ordained by God |
Rafik | Arabic | companion |
Rasool | Arabic | messenger |
Regos | P-I-E | rule = REG + OS |
Reida | P-I-E | ride = REIDH + A |
Reider | P-I-E | ride = REIDH + ER |
Reidhos | P-I-E | rider = REIDH + OS |
Reimen | P-I-E | river = REI + MEN |
Reitor | P-I-E | river > REI + TOR |
Reptor | P-I-E | rapacious = REP + TOR |
Reudmon | P-I-E | red = REUDH + MON |
Reudor | P-I-E | red = REUDH + agent = TOR |
Reudos | P-I-E | red = REUDH + OS |
Reupo | P-I-E | corrupt = REUP + O |
Reuptos | P-I-E | usurp = REUP + TOS |
Ruda | P-I-E | red = REUDH + A |
Sadek | Arabic | truthful |
Sagos | P-I-E | seek(er) = SAG + OS |
Sajid | Arabic | one who worships God |
Sakinah | Arabic | god-inspired peace-of-mind, tranquility |
Salima | Arabic | peaceful, flawless, faultless, safe, healthy |
Sekos | P-I-E | skin(ner) = SEK + OS |
Sekwo | P-I-E | follows = SEK + alive = WO |
Sepa | P-I-E | savor = SEP + A |
Serbella | P-I-E | desert = SER + flower = BHEL + LA |
Seros | P-I-E | observe = SER + OS |
Sertor | P-I-E | observe = SER + TOR |
Setro | P-I-E | seed = SE + TRO |
Shadi | Arabic | singer |
Sharif | Arabic | honest, noble: SHAREEF |
Sihr | Arabic | SIHR: magic |
Skertro | P-I-E | cutting + agent = SKER + TRO |
Skeudro | P-I-E | obscure = SKEU + DHRO |
Skeumon | P-I-E | hide = SKEU + MON |
Skipamo | P-I-E | ship = SKIPAM + O |
Slakos | P-I-E | sly = SLAK + OS |
Sleigo | P-I-E | slide = SLEIGH + O |
Smeitro | P-I-E | smile = SMEI + TRO |
Smitor | P-I-E | smith = SMI + TOR |
Snaula | P-I-E | nurse = SNAU + LA |
Snegos | P-I-E | snake = SNEG + OS |
Solmen | P-I-E | general = SOL + MEN |
Soltor | P-I-E | salubrious = SOL + TOR |
Speka | P-I-E | cinnamon (spice) = SPEK + A |
Spela | P-I-E | despair = SPE + LA |
Sperga | P-I-E | spring = SPERGH + A |
Stamon | P-I-E | stalwart = STA + MON |
Stator | P-I-E | steer = STA + TOR |
Stera | P-I-E | star = STER + A |
Stermen | P-I-E | stork = STER + MEN |
Steutor | P-I-E | study = STEU + TOR |
Sweitro | P-I-E | swift = SWEI + TRO |
Swesora | P-I-E | sister = SWESOR + A |
Swordro | P-I-E | swarthy SWORDO + replace RDO with DRO |
Taher | Arabic | pure |
Taleb | Arabic | seeker |
Tawil | Arabic | tall |
Tenbella | P-I-E | contain(er) = TEN + antimony (blue) = BHEL + LA |
Tendro | P-I-E | contend = TEN + DRO |
Tenos | P-I-E | attend = TEN + OS |
Tenyo | P-I-E | tender, belonging to = TEN + YO |
Terkwo | P-I-E | torture = TERKW + O |
Teutor | P-I-E | tribe = TEUTA + switch A to OR |
Tonges | P-I-E | thank(ful) = TONG + ES |
Tongtor | P-I-E | think = TONG + TOR |
Traga | P-I-E | distracted = TRAGH + A |
Treisuer | P-I-E | third son = TREI-SUEe + R |
Treitro | P-I-E | third =TREI + TRO |
Trestor | P-I-E | terror = TRES + TOR |
Uksen | P-I-E | auroch = UKS-EN |
Upertor | P-I-E | supreme = UPER + OS |
Urshe | Egyptian | observer |
Usain | Arabic | lion cub |
Utu | Sumerian | sun god Utu |
Wahab | Arabic | giving |
Waldro | P-I-E | valiant = WAL + DRO |
Walos | P-I-E | valiant = WAL-OS |
Walsor | P-I-E | valiant = WAL + SOR |
Wathik | Arabic | reliable |
Wedas | P-I-E | winter = WED + AS |
Wedo | P-I-E | otter = WED + O |
Wegen | P-I-E | envoy = WEGH + EN |
Wegyo | P-I-E | watch = WEG + YO |
Weida | P-I-E | wisdom = WEID + A |
Weidista | P-I-E | wisdom = WEID + ISTA |
Weidosto | P-I-E | wisdom = WEID + YO-STO |
Weiko | P-I-E | clan(sman) = WEIK + O |
Weikos | P-I-E | clan(sman) = WEIK + OS |
Weir | P-I-E | violent = WEIe + R |
Weldro | P-I-E | gallant = WEL + DHRO |
Welmen | P-I-E | valley = WEL + MEN |
Welo | P-I-E | wealth = WEL + O |
Weltor | P-I-E | walk = WEL + TOR |
Werdro | P-I-E | wrestler = WER + DHRO |
Wereos | P-I-E | warlock = WERe-O + S |
Weretor | P-I-E | word = WERe + TOR |
Wergos | P-I-E | mettalurgy = WERG + OS |
Wero | P-I-E | subvert = WER + O |
Wikwor | P-I-E | wolf = WlKwO + R |
Wiros | P-I-E | world = WI-RO + OS |
Yapetor | P-I-E | seek = YA + to spread = PETe + R |
Yewestor | P-I-E | injury = YEWES + TOR |
Ziusudra | Sumerian | legendary pre-Sumerian hero’s name A.K.A. Noah |