

Character Name

Source Language

(Poetic Root + Suffix) or other language meaning

Achmed Arabic much praised
Adan P-I-E atone = AD+EN
Adel Persian righteous (Persian); P-I-E atoned before EL = AD+EL
Adib Arabic cultured, well-mannered
Aga P-I-E dawn = AGH+A
Agos P-I-E ambassador = AG+OS
Ahmed Arabic highly praised or one who constantly thanks God
Aigos P-I-E goat AIG+OS
Akwar P-I-E island AkwA+R
Akwayo P-I-E island = AKwA+YO
Alem Ethiopian world
Aloo Indian potato
Ameer Arabic prince, treetop = AMIR -> AMEER
Amin Arabic reliable messenger. Dependable. Steady.   Trustworthy
Amurra Arabic cute = AMURRA
Angelos Greek messenger
Angos P-I-E anger = ANGH+OS
Antar Arabic heroic
Aros P-I-E artisan = AR+OS
Asil Arabic judicious
Asnake Ethiopian become better than others
Ata Arabic gift
Atena P-I-E perceive AU + stretch TEN +A
Atif Arabic compassionate, sympathetic
Ausa P-I-E bright AUS +A
Auswidur P-I-E east AUS wood WIDHU +R
Aziza Arabic dear
Baba Egyptian father
Badawi Arabic bedouin, nomad
Badzar Mongolian (Tibetan) thunderbolt
Bahijah Arabic magnificent, splendid
Bam poesy deaf man named by Menos for chest thumping
Baraka Egyptian gift, blessing
Bari Egyptian boat
Barig Mongolian Strong & Courageous = Batzorig -> Barig
Bashir Arabic bearer of good news
Bassira Arabic intelligent
Batal Arabic hero
Bazar Arabic market
Beidos P-I-E cocky, confident = BHEIDH+OS
Bela P-I-E white blond hair = BHEL+A
Belas P-I-E white flower = BHEL+AS
Belgnor P-I-E strong BEL+ to know GNO + R
Belmon P-I-E strong = BEL+ neck = MON
Beloko P-I-E strong = BEL + to see OK + O
Belos P-I-E thrive, bloom BHEL + OS
Beltor P-I-E black BHEL + TOR
Bera P-I-E brunet hair = BHER+A
Berdeula P-I-E brunette beauty = BHER-DEU+LA
Betor P-I-E bake = BHE + TOR
Bhamon P-I-E prophet = BHA+MON
Bheuator P-I-E builder = BHEUA-TOR
Bikir Arabic the first born = BIKR
Bom poesy deaf man named by Menos for sound of his chest-pounding
Boulboul Arabic Nightingale
Brehan Ethiopian light
Bruga P-I-E brook = BHRUGH + A
Bruno P-I-E to cut, tear = BHREU => BHRU+ NO
Buska P-I-E bouquet = BUSK + A
Capisto P-I-E resourceful, capable = CAP+ISTO
Carachin Mongolian black wolf = Qara Chinua => Carachin
Chatni Hindu chatni = meaning licking as in savoring
Companions Conventional capitalized = Bruno’s companions
Curator P-I-E curious = CURA+TOR
Dagnu Ugaritic Ugaritic god = Dagnu
Damen P-I-E demon = DA+MEN
Dammar Arabic Name destructive one
Daoud Arabic beloved
Dawar Arabic Deep, wonderer = DAWAR
Deiga P-I-E lady = DHEIGH+A
Deiken P-I-E teach = DEIK+EN
Deikos P-I-E judge = DEIK+OS
Deiwos P-I-E shining = DYEU+OS; (convention: DEIWOS)
Delmon P-I-E tall = DEL+MON
Dereto P-I-E face round = DHE- RET+O
Derla P-I-E tart = DER+LA
Deros P-I-E trader = DER-OS
Dertor P-I-E trader = DER+TOR
Dertro P-I-E trade = DER+ TRO
Deruen P-I-E endure > DERU+EN
Derumon P-I-E little tree = DERU+MON
Detro P-I-E doomed = DHE+TRO
Deula P-I-E deer = DHEU+LA
Deumo P-I-E dull = DHEU+MO
Deuper P-I-E profit-sum = DHE-UPER
Dewa P-I-E beauty = DEU => DEW-A
Dhar P-I-E abandon = DHA-R
Dheter P-I-E perfect = DHE+TER
Dhreughos P-I-E dream = DHREUGH-OS
Dighmon P-I-E dig (mine) = DHIG+MON
Dimah Arabic cloud which carries rainwater
Diya Arabic brightness, light
Donos P-I-E betray = DON+OS
Dregher P-I-E truckle = DREGH-ER
Dregos P-I-E drown = DHREG+OS
Duma P-I-E dove = DHEU+MA
Dweno P-I-E boon = DHEU + NO
Ekwomo P-I-E equestrian = EKWO+OMO
Ekwos P-I-E equestrian = EKWO+ES
Ekwotor P-I-E horse(man)=EKWO+TOR
Ella poesy EL+A
Elstego P-I-E EL protect = EL-STEG+O
Enkitor P-I-E intimate = EN + violent = KIGH+TOR
Enlil Smerian god Enlil
Entor P-I-E inn = EN+TOR
Eren P-I-E move, raise = ER-EN
Ermon P-I-E move, raise = ER+MON
Erto P-I-E move, raise = ER+TO
Esos P-I-E proud = ES+OS
Fahd Arabic leopard
Fareedat Arabic precious gem
Fareeq Arabic Lieutenant General = Fariq
Farhan Arabic Happy
Farid Arabic one of a kind = Fareed
Farouk Arabic One who distinguishes truth from falsehood
Ferar Arabic flight, escape
Ferhan Arabic rejoicing
Fudail Arabic excellent in character
Gabo P-I-E gift = GHABH+O
Gada P-I-E sheep = GH(A)ID-O
Gadwat Arabic goodness, excellence
Galeel Arabic great = GAMEEL
Gamalla Arabic Arabian camel = GAMAL+ LA
Gaumo P-I-E joy = GAU+MO
Gedetro P-I-E good-perfect = GHEDH-DHE+TRO
Geeto P-I-E scion = GEIE+TO
Gelgemeir P-I-E to cut = GHEL+ to release = GHE + to fortify = MEI + R
Genar P-I-E generous = GENe+R
Genator P-I-E congenial = GENA+TOR
Genda P-I-E prize = GHEND+A
Gendor P-I-E surprise = GHEND+TOR
Genemo P-I-E king = GENe+MO
Ghostios P-I-E host = GHOS-TI+OS
Gleubo P-I-E clever = GLEUBH+O
Graba P-I-E dutiful = GRABH+A
Grabos P-I-E gift = GRABH+OS
Grekelo P-I-E green hill = GHRE-KEL+O
Grendo P-I-E grain = GRENO
Greno P-I-E grain = GRENO
Greokas P-I-E green = GHRE + eyes = OK + AS
Greoko P-I-E green = GHRE + eyes = OK + O
Guastego P-I-E god = GHEUA + protect = STEG + O
Guljul Arabic little bell
Gwentor P-I-E defender = GHWEN + TOR
Gwero P-I-E furnace = GWHER + O
Habbab Arabic affable
Hajib Arabic conceal
Homar Arabic donkey
Hugo P-I-E butcher = BHUGO
Husam Arabic sword
Inanna Sumerian goddess Inanna
Jaromir Slavic peace
Kailona P-I-E heal = KAILO + NA
Kailor P-I-E health(y) = KAILO + R
Kapter P-I-E one who grasps = KAP+TER
Kaputen P-I-E captain = KAPUT + EN
Kaputor P-I-E captain = KAPUT + TOR
Kareem Arabic generous, noble
Karmelito P-I-E hard = KAR + honey = MELIT + O
Kasim Arabic divided
Keitro P-I-E pain= KEI + TRO
Kembos P-I-E conceit = KEMB + OS
Kensor P-I-E to proclaim = KENS + OR
Kerso P-I-E corral = KERS + O
Kertor P-I-E cheerful = KER + TOR
Khoury Arabic priest
Kleutor P-I-E loud > KLEU + TOR
Kobeno P-I-E happy = KOB + ENO
kundurunsa Arabic name for the highest grade incense
Kweita P-I-E white = KWEIT + A
Kweto P-I-E rescue = KWET + O
Kwetwero P-I-E fourth = KwETWER + O
Kwetwersun P-I-E fourth-son = KwETWER-SUEe + EN
Labib Arabic intelligent
Lakur P-I-E lake, sea = LAKU + R
Lameh Arabic gleaming
Lana Arabic gentle, soft
Lega P-I-E intelligent = LEG + A
Lentoya P-I-E lithe = LENT-O + YO
Letros P-I-E leather = LETRO + OS
Leubsun P-I-E love(d) = LEUBH + son = SUEe + N
Leudbella P-I-E little = LEUD + flower = BHEL + LA
Leudya P-I-E small = LEUD + YA
Leupo P-I-E lift(ed) = LEUP + O
Leutor P-I-E resolute = LEU + TOR
Lielit Ethiopian princess
Lilith Semitic Legendary demon of the desert night
Liol Ethiopian prince
Maarouf Arabic well known
Magua P-I-E maid = MAGHU + A
Magula P-I-E maid = MAGHU + LA
Majeed Arabic noble, glorious
Mantor P-I-E manage = MAN + TOR
Matera P-I-E matron = MATER + A
Mehdi Arabic guided one
Melda P-I-E to pray = MELDH + A
Melos P-I-E strong, great = MEL + OS
Menisto P-I-E mountain = MEN + ISTO
Menos P-I-E little mountain = MEN + OS
Mera P-I-E morning = MER + A
Mertor P-I-E murder = MER + TOR
Mesun P-I-E my-son = ME-SEUe + EN
Mesutor P-I-E my son = ME-SEUe + TOR
Mitereo P-I-E hope = MITTERE + O
Mitteretor P-I-E compromise = MITTERE + TOR
Muhab Arabic dignified
Muheeb Arabic noble, respected
Nabatar Mongolian sun hero
Nabil Arabic intelligent
Nan poesy infant’s babble
Neras P-I-E north = NER + AS
Netor P-I-E negotiate = NE + TOR
Nigist Ethiopian queen
Nigus Ethiopian king
Nimos P-I-E take, seize = NIM + OS
Ninkarrak Mesopotamian goddess Ninkarrak
Numair Arabic panther
Okbelo P-I-E eyes = OK + blue = BHEL + O
Okdera P-I-E eyes = OK + dark = DHER + A
Okgreta P-I-E eyes = OK + green = GHRE + TA
Okwapo P-I-E eye = OK + evil = WAP + O
Omon P-I-E omen = O + mon
Optor P-I-E opine = OP + TOR
Oustor P-I-E scout = OUS + ear = TOR
Paglo P-I-E peace(maker) = PAG + LO
Pamiu Egyptian old Tom cat
Paras P-I-E fire = PAeWR + AS
Patros P-I-E protect = PA + suffix forming noun from verb = TER + OS
Patu P-I-E fur = PA + TU
Pekas P-I-E make pretty PEK + AS
Pektor P-I-E fight = PEK + TOR
Pekwa P-I-E cook = PEKw + A
Pekwos P-I-E precocious = PEKw + OS
Peletor P-I-E complete = PELe + TOR
Pera P-I-E beloved = PER + A
Perago P-I-E first-dawn PER-AGH + O
Peristo P-I-E priest = PER + ISTO
Perla P-I-E princess = PER + LA
Peros P-I-E priest = PER + OS
Persna P-I-E pearl = PERSNA
Persuen P-I-E first son = PER-SUEe + EN
Pertro P-I-E oppress = PER + TRO
Perupo P-I-E from above = PER + UPO
Peryo P-I-E principle(d) = PER + YO
Petos P-I-E impetuous = PET + OS
Pieutor P-I-E journey = PIEU + TOR
Platmo P-I-E plateau = PLAT + MO
Pleutro P-I-E flood = PLEU + TRO
Poas P-I-E beer PO(I) + AS
Pola P-I-E beer PO(I) + LA
Potista P-I-E power = POTI + STA
Primos P-I-E friend = PRI + MOS
Pritor P-I-E friend = PRI + TOR
Pukos P-I-E pugnacious = PUK + OS
Qadar Arabic fate, destiny
Qismah Arabic fate ordained by God
Rafik Arabic companion
Rasool Arabic messenger
Regos P-I-E rule = REG + OS
Reida P-I-E ride = REIDH + A
Reider P-I-E ride = REIDH + ER
Reidhos P-I-E rider = REIDH + OS
Reimen P-I-E river = REI + MEN
Reitor P-I-E river > REI + TOR
Reptor P-I-E rapacious = REP + TOR
Reudmon P-I-E red = REUDH + MON
Reudor P-I-E red = REUDH + agent = TOR
Reudos P-I-E red = REUDH + OS
Reupo P-I-E corrupt = REUP + O
Reuptos P-I-E usurp = REUP + TOS
Ruda P-I-E red = REUDH + A
Sadek Arabic truthful
Sagos P-I-E seek(er) = SAG + OS
Sajid Arabic one who worships God
Sakinah Arabic god-inspired peace-of-mind, tranquility
Salima Arabic peaceful, flawless, faultless, safe, healthy
Sekos P-I-E skin(ner) = SEK + OS
Sekwo P-I-E follows = SEK + alive = WO
Sepa P-I-E savor = SEP + A
Serbella P-I-E desert = SER + flower = BHEL + LA
Seros P-I-E observe = SER + OS
Sertor P-I-E observe = SER + TOR
Setro P-I-E seed = SE + TRO
Shadi Arabic singer
Sharif Arabic honest, noble: SHAREEF
Sihr Arabic SIHR: magic
Skertro P-I-E cutting + agent = SKER + TRO
Skeudro P-I-E obscure = SKEU + DHRO
Skeumon P-I-E hide = SKEU + MON
Skipamo P-I-E ship = SKIPAM + O
Slakos P-I-E sly = SLAK + OS
Sleigo P-I-E slide = SLEIGH + O
Smeitro P-I-E smile = SMEI + TRO
Smitor P-I-E smith = SMI + TOR
Snaula P-I-E nurse = SNAU + LA
Snegos P-I-E snake = SNEG + OS
Solmen P-I-E general = SOL + MEN
Soltor P-I-E salubrious = SOL + TOR
Speka P-I-E cinnamon (spice) = SPEK + A
Spela P-I-E despair = SPE + LA
Sperga P-I-E spring = SPERGH + A
Stamon P-I-E stalwart = STA + MON
Stator P-I-E steer = STA + TOR
Stera P-I-E star = STER + A
Stermen P-I-E stork = STER + MEN
Steutor P-I-E study = STEU + TOR
Sweitro P-I-E swift = SWEI + TRO
Swesora P-I-E sister = SWESOR + A
Swordro P-I-E swarthy SWORDO + replace RDO with DRO
Taher Arabic pure
Taleb Arabic seeker
Tawil Arabic tall
Tenbella P-I-E contain(er) = TEN + antimony (blue) = BHEL + LA
Tendro P-I-E contend = TEN + DRO
Tenos P-I-E attend = TEN + OS
Tenyo P-I-E tender, belonging to = TEN + YO
Terkwo P-I-E torture = TERKW + O
Teutor P-I-E tribe = TEUTA + switch A to OR
Tonges P-I-E thank(ful) = TONG + ES
Tongtor P-I-E think = TONG + TOR
Traga P-I-E distracted = TRAGH + A
Treisuer P-I-E third son = TREI-SUEe + R
Treitro P-I-E third =TREI + TRO
Trestor P-I-E terror = TRES + TOR
Uksen P-I-E auroch = UKS-EN
Upertor P-I-E supreme = UPER + OS
Urshe Egyptian observer
Usain Arabic lion cub
Utu Sumerian sun god Utu
Wahab Arabic giving
Waldro P-I-E valiant = WAL + DRO
Walos P-I-E valiant = WAL-OS
Walsor P-I-E valiant = WAL + SOR
Wathik Arabic reliable
Wedas P-I-E winter = WED + AS
Wedo P-I-E otter = WED + O
Wegen P-I-E envoy = WEGH + EN
Wegyo P-I-E watch = WEG + YO
Weida P-I-E wisdom = WEID + A
Weidista P-I-E wisdom = WEID + ISTA
Weidosto P-I-E wisdom = WEID + YO-STO
Weiko P-I-E clan(sman) = WEIK + O
Weikos P-I-E clan(sman) = WEIK + OS
Weir P-I-E violent = WEIe + R
Weldro P-I-E gallant = WEL + DHRO
Welmen P-I-E valley = WEL + MEN
Welo P-I-E wealth = WEL + O
Weltor P-I-E walk = WEL + TOR
Werdro P-I-E wrestler = WER + DHRO
Wereos P-I-E warlock = WERe-O + S
Weretor P-I-E word = WERe + TOR
Wergos P-I-E mettalurgy = WERG + OS
Wero P-I-E subvert = WER + O
Wikwor P-I-E wolf = WlKwO + R
Wiros P-I-E world = WI-RO + OS
Yapetor P-I-E seek = YA + to spread = PETe + R
Yewestor P-I-E injury = YEWES + TOR
Ziusudra Sumerian legendary pre-Sumerian hero’s name A.K.A. Noah