King Tutankhamen’s 3rd (innermost) of 3 nesting coffins
There was a ton and a half of gold in King Tutankhamen’s tomb. The solid gold 1st or outermost of 3 nesting coffins alone weighs 1.25 tons. Insurers valued the contents of the burial chamber at $680 million in 2004. What good would all that stuff do a corpse, embalmed or not? Young Tut probably believed he would experience the journey described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. He expected to live forever, unless his father’s heresy brought down a curse upon his son’s head. The fact that the Egyptian tombs contained luxurious furniture hinted they expected some relationship between the embalmed body and eternal life…like Tut would be able to use the stuff in his afterlife. We lack real insight into what the Egyptians actually thought about this. We’ll never understand Tut’s expectations. “Incredible superstition,” the modern mind would say. “A waste of treasure.”
Human Sacrifices Awaiting Death during Royal Funeral at Ur
Then there were the killings or suicides of over a hundred people buried with a king of Ur and again with a queen of Ur, as uncovered by Dr. Wooley, and the hundreds buried with Predynastic and First Dynasty pharaohs. Did they really believe they were accompanying their “beloved leader” into eternal life, or were they forced to take poison? You say, “That’s ancient history.” What about the 913 who “drank the Kool-Aid” at Jonestown in 1978? The suicides with Hitler in the bunker in Berlin ring a familiar bell. Those modern instances appear to have been instant replays of the atrocities at Ur and Hierakonpolis, but 5,000 years later.
Have we forgotten the Al Qaeda Jihadists who killed 3,000 men, women, and children on September 11, 2001—to the televised cheers of Palestinians with their children dancing in the streets of Gaza? Or this year, in 2015, ISIS Jihadists who crucified young Christian boys in Iraq, slaughtered a hundred kidnapped Egyptian Christians on a beach in Libya, burned alive a Jordanian P.O.W. pilot, and this week executed over a hundred kidnapped Ethiopian migrants in Libya—all this in the name of their god, and video-recorded and proudly broadcast to the world as justified by the Quran. Doubt that? Read their book.
We could say, and we would be right, that these religious murders pale in significance when compared to the murder of millions of Jews by the Nazis, a million Armenians by the Turks, and millions of Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, and Cubans by communist governments in the last century. Then of course, we also had WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and a host of surrogate-fought wars. All slaughtered by zealots in the name of fantasies like the “Thousand year Reich” and “Workers’ Paradise.” But Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haran Islamist terrorist will kill until they’re stopped. If they lay their hands on nuclear weapons, millions will be murdered for Jihad according to their “holy book.” They seem unable to comprehend what will happen when they succeed making the West outraged and vengeful. I don’t want this, but it will be the end of them.
If you’re angry at me for reviewing these ancient and modern atrocities, then you clearly can’t deal with truth. Seeing history and reality before your eyes as they are, that is truth. That very truth will set you free from the politically correct rubbish taught in today’s schools and universities. You believe there’s no right or wrong in the world—all religions are alike–you’re a postmodernist? Right and wrong is just a difference of perspective? Will you still think so when you’re being murdered? Robbed? Raped? See your family slaughtered—crucified before your eyes? Your family home and wealth confiscated by bandits mouthing verses from the Quran? Do you think you’ll never find yourself one of the victims in an ISIS video? Chamberlain thought he had an agreement with “Mr. Hitler.” Two years later, the world was swept into the killing machine of WWII.
Why study history? By such study we:
- appreciate the things man learned the hard way over millennia about governing himself and his people;
- examine the exposed lies used by deceivers in the past to destroy nations from within and without;
- expose the causes of the collapse of prior civilizations and the reasons why they did not recognize what was happening until it was too late;
- fill our minds with facts and compare those facts to what we are being told by our governments, universities, and the press.
Is our constitution really obsolete? What happened to Rome after it stopped honoring the family and parental authority, stripped the senate of its real power, and substituted emperor worship?
Have you ever read the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, or the Bible? Is your world view shaped by the teachers’ union, tenured professors, Hollywood movies, television, and other media? Beware, for you are living in a virtual world of illusions, as prey for tyrants.
On this website, we examine the distant past to understand the roots of not only our civilization in 2015 but also the many, truly diverse social experiments as humanity grew out of those roots. We saw the apparently nonviolent Indus Valley Civilization obliterated despite hurried construction of defensive walls, because they were seen as soft prey to the burgeoning horde of Indo-Aryan immigrants. We see that being replayed 4,000 years later among the soft societies of Europe, as they realize they have accepted a horde of aggressive immigrants whose real intent is not to assimilate but to undermine and subjugate. Those burgeoning immigrants intend to replace the democratic European republics with a religious tyranny which hates the Christianity upon which Europe was built, despises the libertine way of life of their deluded and degenerate host countries, and actively plans to topple their governments and enslave them–all in the name of their god.
Indeed, history is not for the faint of heart, nor for those who cannot think for themselves. History isn’t what somebody tells you it is. You must study raw history by yourself, and reach your own conclusions. That is difficult for students, because the tenure system from grammar school through post-graduate university has been gamed by the “progressives” to exclude other points of view. So, you must game the education system, study well what they are teaching you and regurgitate it on demand, whilst filing their point-of-view away in a drawer in your mind labeled “Their View,” and form your own opinion of wherein lies the truth based upon real science, logic, and history. That is the truth that will set you free.
And that’s why I lead this safari through the ancient cultures which have had lasting impact on today’s world, and whose mistakes we seem to be mindlessly repeating.
Thanks for visiting,
R. E. J. Burke